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Economic Update with Marc Chandler

الأربعاء، 05 يونيو


Hotel Haya

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Economic  Update with Marc Chandler
Economic  Update with Marc Chandler

الوقت والموقع

05 يونيو 2024، 11:30 ص – 1:00 م

Hotel Haya, 1412 E 7th Ave, Tampa, FL 33605, USA

نبذة عن الحدث

Marc Chandler is a frequent presence in the financial press; you may have seen or heard him on CNBC, Bloomberg, Fox Business, Barons, etc. - and he will be joining us for lunch Wednesday, June 5th to provide his insights on the current state of the US economy and how we stack up against the rest of the world. He will have an emphasis on the largest trading partners with the Tampa Bay area.

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